Niton Community Football Club - Ventnor

Address: Niton, Ventnor PO38 2BW, United Kingdom.

Specialties: Transport hub.
Other points of interest: Wheelchair accessible entrance, Wheelchair accessible parking lot, Wheelchair accessible restroom, Restroom.
Opinions: This company has 0 reviews on Google My Business.
Average opinion: 0/5.

Location of Niton Community Football Club

Niton Community Football Club Niton, Ventnor PO38 2BW, United Kingdom

Niton Community Football Club is a football club located in the heart of Niton, Ventnor, PO38 2BW, United Kingdom. Although the phone number and official website are not provided, the club has a strong presence in the community and offers special services such as transport hub for its members and visitors.

The club is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible environment for all, with wheelchair accessible entrance, parking lot, and restroom. These features make it easy for everyone, regardless of their mobility, to enjoy the football games and events.

Unfortunately, there are currently no reviews for Niton Community Football Club on Google My Business, which means that there is no average opinion to report. However, this should not deter potential visitors, as the club's commitment to accessibility and community involvement speaks volumes about its values and mission.

Other points of interest near the club include the beautiful Niton countryside, historic sites, and other recreational facilities. This makes the club an ideal destination for football fans and families looking for a fun and engaging activity.

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