Martin Tower - London

Address: 148 Tower Bridge Approach, London EC3N 4AB.

Specialties: Historical landmark, Tourist attraction.
Other points of interest: Getting tickets in advance recommended, Good for kids.
Opinions: This company has 35 reviews on Google My Business.
Average opinion: 4.8/5.

Location of Martin Tower

Martin Tower 148 Tower Bridge Approach, London EC3N 4AB

Martin Tower is a historical landmark and popular tourist attraction, located at Address: 148 Tower Bridge Approach, London EC3N 4AB. This tower has a rich history and offers a unique experience for visitors of all ages.

The tower does not have a phone number available, but you can visit their website at for more information. Some of the tower's specialties include being a historical landmark and a popular tourist attraction. Other points of interest include the stunning architecture, the breathtaking views of the city, and the interactive exhibits that are great for kids.

According to Google My Business, Martin Tower has received 35 reviews with an average rating of 4.8/5. Visitors rave about the tower's fascinating history, the friendly and knowledgeable staff, and the overall unique experience. It is recommended to get tickets in advance as the tower can get busy, especially during peak tourist season.

In addition to being a great attraction for individuals, Martin Tower is also a popular destination for groups and field trips. The tower offers guided tours and interactive exhibits that are both educational and entertaining. The tower is wheelchair accessible and has facilities for visitors with special needs.

When visiting Martin Tower, be sure to wear comfortable shoes as there is quite a bit of walking involved. The tower is stroller and wheelchair friendly, making it accessible for visitors of all ages and abilities. Visitors are also encouraged to bring a camera to capture the stunning views and unique architecture of the tower.

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