Haynes Park - Bedford

Address: Church End Rd, Bedford MK45 3BL, United Kingdom.
Phone: 1234381234.
Website: haynesparkprogram.org.
Specialties: Charity.
Other points of interest: Wheelchair accessible entrance, Wheelchair accessible parking lot.
Opinions: This company has 300 reviews on Google My Business.
Average opinion: 4.8/5.

Location of Haynes Park

Haynes Park, located at Address: Church End Rd, Bedford MK45 3BL, United Kingdom. is a charity organization that offers a variety of services and programs to the community. With a phone number: 1234381234. and website: haynesparkprogram.org., this organization is easily accessible to those who are interested in learning more about their mission and programs.

Haynes Park is known for its wheelchair accessible entrance and wheelchair accessible parking lot, making it an inclusive and accessible space for all. The organization has a strong commitment to providing services and programs that cater to the needs of the community, and the accessible facilities are a testament to this commitment.

The charity specializes in a variety of programs, making it a versatile and valuable resource for the community. With 300 reviews on Google My Business and an average opinion: 4.8/5. Haynes Park has established a strong reputation for excellence in the community.

If you're looking for a charity organization that is committed to serving the community, Haynes Park is an excellent choice. Their accessible facilities, variety of programs, and strong reputation make it a standout organization.

In addition to their on-site programs and services, Haynes Park also offers virtual and remote options. This means that even if you're unable to visit the physical location, you can still access their resources and participate in their programs.

Overall, Haynes Park is a highly recommended charity organization that is dedicated to serving the community. Their accessible facilities, variety of programs, and strong reputation make it a valuable resource for anyone looking for charitable services.

To learn more about Haynes Park and their programs, we recommend visiting their website at haynesparkprogram.org. Here, you can find more information about their mission, programs, and how you can get involved. Whether you're looking to access their services or support their cause, the Haynes Park website is the perfect place to start.

Reviews of Haynes Park

Haynes Park - Bedford
Harry Harry

Was a follower for 20 years, until I saw the ranbaxy scam where gurinder nephews were placed in jail because of gurinder Baba money fraud, his wife was mysteriously dead after a routine operation and the whole place is just a hierarchy and untruthful.

The five names are Jyot Niranjan, onkar, rarankaar, sohang, satnaam.
They have a special position whereby you squat and cover your eyes and ears to hear a magical sound but all you hear is your body noises...
Proper fake setup, God is not a computer whereby he needs you to do these entries and then you will pass...

Everyone I know from RSSb is suffering from depression because it's falsehood, nobody sees anything or gets grace from the lord.

Please read Brian Hines on search , and read book by Sheena called memoirs of a seeker, whereby she exposed India sham RSSb.

The whole SEVADAR thing is a mess at RSSb, it's all hireacy, the more money you have and the more people you know, the higher you move up.

Unfortunately there is also some good souls here, but they are stuck in this cult....I was ripped to shreds and crying ony way out, and finally can smile,...thanks God

Haynes Park - Bedford
Rajinder Kumar

Best place for visit,, clear your doubts and feel peace inside, love to go again and again♥️?Radha soami ji ?

Haynes Park - Bedford
Sumit Jaiswal

What a beautiful place ❤️

Radha Swami g

Haynes Park - Bedford
Carl Starkey

Did a delivery here today, what a lovely place, so peaceful and everyone I meet were very welcoming, to the point I got ask by 3 different people did I want a drink.

Haynes Park - Bedford
Sherni Squared

Was here on, Sunday 12 august. My nan who she idolised and is her guru Radha soamj ji attend the parks for three days. We aren’t allowed phones so hence not pictured but it is a beautiful park snd thousand of people visit Radha soamj ji.

Haynes Park - Bedford
Pathfinderkumar Kumar

Hynes park is situated:
Church End Rd, Bedford MK45 3BL, United Kingdom

The basis of every religion is spirituality. With the passage of time and changing social values, the basic spiritual teachings often become embellished with extra rules and rituals, and eventually take the shape of a formal religion. Despite its extensive outreach activities, RSSB tries to maintain the integrity of its spiritual core and preserve the simplicity of its teachings. At the heart of the RSSB teachings is a belief that there is a spiritual purpose to human life – to experience the divinity of God who resides in all of us. It is through this experience that we will realize the truth of the concept that there is only one God and we are all expressions of his love.

Central to the RSSB teachings is a spiritual teacher who explains the purpose of life and guides and instructs members in a method of spirituality based on a daily meditation practice. The present teacher is Baba Gurinder Singh, who lives with his family at the main centre in northern India.

By performing the meditation practice according to the teacher's instructions, individuals can realize the presence of God within themselves. It is a solitary practice that is done in the quiet of one's own home. Members commit themselves to a way of life that supports spiritual growth while carrying out their responsibilities to family, friends and society. There are no rituals, ceremonies, hierarchies or mandatory contributions, nor are there compulsory gatherings. Members need not give up their cultural identity or religious preference to follow this path.

Haynes Park - Bedford
Shiv Chawla

The Haynes Park is a spiritual place of Radha Soami Satsang Beas. This was the venue for 3 days International Satsang Program from August 11-13,2023. Baba ji answered the questions of Satsangis. Feeling good to be there.

Haynes Park - Bedford
Sunita Purba

Very calm and peaceful

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