England -

Address: UK.

Specialties: -.

Opinions: This company has 0 reviews on Google My Business.
Average opinion: 0/5.

Location of England

England UK

Are you looking for information about England Look no further Here, we will provide you with some key details about this fascinating country, including its location, specialties, and other points of interest. We'll also give you an overview of what others are saying about England, so you can make an informed decision about whether to visit or learn more.

Address and Contact Information

England is located in the United Kingdom (UK). While we cannot provide a specific street address for the entire country, you can easily find directions to England's many cities and towns using online maps and GPS systems.

As for contact information, England can be reached by phone at various numbers, depending on the specific department or service you are trying to contact. However, a general contact number for the UK government is +44 20 7271 1000. For up-to-date contact details, it's always best to check the official England or UK government websites.

Website and Specialties

The official website for England is https://www.visitengland.com/. This site is packed with useful information for visitors, including travel tips, event listings, and details about England's many attractions.

Some of England's most notable specialties include:

  • Historic sites and landmarks, such as Stonehenge, the Tower of London, and Buckingham Palace.
  • Natural beauty, including the Lake District, the Cotswolds, and the White Cliffs of Dover.
  • Cultural events, such as the Glastonbury Festival, the Chelsea Flower Show, and the London Marathon.
  • Famous authors and literary connections, such as Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Charles Dickens.
  • Innovative cuisine, featuring dishes like fish and chips, Yorkshire pudding, and afternoon tea.

Other Points of Interest

In addition to its specialties, England offers a wide range of other points of interest, including:

  • Museums and galleries, such as the British Museum, the Tate Modern, and the National Gallery.
  • Sports events and teams, such as Premier League football (soccer), Wimbledon tennis, and the Rugby World Cup.
  • Shopping destinations, such as Oxford Street, Covent Garden, and the Bull Ring in Birmingham.
  • Educational institutions, such as the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, and the London School of Economics.
  • Unique experiences, such as riding the London Eye, exploring the Harry Potter Studio Tour, or taking a boat ride along the River Thames.

Opinions and Average Rating

England has received 0 reviews on Google My Business. As such, we are unable to provide an average rating at this time. However, based on its rich history, stunning landscapes, and diverse offerings, we believe that England is well worth exploring further.


If you're interested in learning more about England or planning a visit, be sure to check out the official England website and start exploring all that this incredible country has to offer. With so much to see and do, you're sure to find something that sparks your interest and leaves you with unforgettable memories

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