Acocks Green - Birmingham

Address: Birmingham B27 6EB, United Kingdom.
Phone: 3333110039.
Specialties: Transit station, Bus stop, Train station.
Other points of interest: Wheelchair accessible entrance, Wheelchair accessible parking lot, Restroom, 24-hour transit available.
Opinions: This company has 27 reviews on Google My Business.
Average opinion: 4.1/5.

Location of Acocks Green

Acocks Green is a transit station located in Birmingham, at the address of Birmingham B27 6EB, United Kingdom. The station can be easily reached by phone at 3333110039. If you prefer to get more information online, you can visit their website at

Acocks Green is primarily known for being a transportation hub. It provides services as a train station and bus stop, making it a convenient option for commuters and travelers alike. The station has several features that make it accessible for all, including a wheelchair-accessible entrance and parking lot. Additionally, it offers a restroom and 24-hour transit availability, ensuring that it accommodates the needs of its users at all times.

According to Google My Business, Acocks Green has received 27 reviews, with an average opinion of 4.1/5. This indicates that the station provides high-quality services and is well-regarded by its users.

If you're looking for a reliable transportation option in Birmingham, Acocks Green is an excellent choice. Its convenient location, accessibility features, and range of services make it an ideal option for those in need of a train station or bus stop.

Overall, Acocks Green is a highly recommended transportation hub in Birmingham. For more information or to plan your visit, be sure to check out their website at Don't hesitate to contact them if you have any questions or concerns - their team is always happy to help

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