Over Bridge - Gloucester

Address: Horseshoe Dr, Highnam, Gloucester GL2 8BZ.
Phone: 08000150516.
Website: english-heritage.org.uk.
Specialties: Bridge, Historical landmark, Tourist attraction.

Opinions: This company has 179 reviews on Google My Business.
Average opinion: 4.3/5.

Location of Over Bridge

Over Bridge, located at Address: Horseshoe Dr, Highnam, Gloucester GL2 8BZ, is a historical landmark and popular tourist attraction. With a rich history and unique architecture, this bridge is a must-visit for anyone interested in historical sites.

One of the key features of Over Bridge is its stunning design. The bridge is a Grade I listed building, meaning it is of exceptional interest and should be preserved. The bridge was built in the late 19th century and is a prime example of a skew arch bridge.

In addition to its historical significance, Over Bridge is also a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can take in the beautiful views of the surrounding countryside and learn about the history of the bridge. The bridge is located in a peaceful and picturesque setting, making it the perfect place to relax and enjoy the scenery.

If you're planning a visit to Over Bridge, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, be sure to check the website for any information about visiting hours and any restrictions. You can find all of this information on their website: english-heritage.org.uk.

Another important thing to note is that the bridge is a historical landmark, so it is important to treat it with respect. Visitors are asked to not touch or climb on the bridge, as it is a protected structure.

Over Bridge has received many positive reviews from visitors. With 179 reviews on Google My Business, the average opinion is 4.3/5. Many visitors have praised the bridge's unique design and the peaceful atmosphere of the surrounding area.

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